Tobacco Success Story
FEBRUARY 2024 | Tobacco companies promote flavored tobacco products to attract younger consumers and boost their sales. According to the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) 2023 data, of those youth who are actively vaping, 9 out of 10 are using flavored products. The 2023 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS) 2023 indicates that 96% of Maine youth who use e-cigarettes choose flavored products.
A proposed ordinance in the City of Hallowell aims to prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco products. To offer insight and support to the council members, the Kennebec County Youth Advisory Board (KC YAB) members penned personal statements. In their statements, the KC YAB shared feeling anxious for the future of their peers, witnessing vape and tobacco use daily, and the desire many teens peers have to quit. The KC YAB members courageously faced the entire Hallowell City Council and a diverse audience, both in-person and virtual.
“One of the council members said that hearing from youth made an impact. Not only did I feel heard, but I also felt relieved.” – Hanna, student
Both students played a crucial role in offering valuable insights that led the City Council members to support the passing of the ordinance. The dedication and determination of the KC YAB members contributed to the City of Hallowell's decision to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products. This success story is proof that youth voice is powerful and young people have the ability to speak up for the health and well-being of others in the community.
“It felt so nice to see that adults are taking this serious and listening to us;
I was making change!”
– Matteo, student