Healthy Eating + Active Living
“The engagement by our students was exceptional, full of enthusiasm, participation, and many educational “aha” moments to be continued at the Health Center. Looking forward to partnering again with Sarah and her Healthy Eating, Active Living Program.”
HCCA’s Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Program works to promote changes that make active living and healthy eating the easy choice.
HEAL works to ensure that people have access to healthy foods at a good price, enable people to get their recommended levels of physical activity, support breastfeeding best practices in health care systems, worksites and the community, and help to assess and improve the built environments and food systems to create more opportunities for all Mainers to eat healthy and be physically active.
HCCA works with community partners to:
Promote Maine Farm & Sea To School Network (MFSN) and Institute
Promote Maine Farm to Institution (MEFTI)
Host Storywalks® in Kennebec County
Share information and resources on breastfeeding best practices with worksites, organizations, and the general public
Provide information and training with schools on Smarter Lunchroom
Provide trainings to school staff and students surrounding nutrition, physical activity, and breastfeeding promotion and support.
Food Bank and Pantry Guide
Download HCCA’s Food Bank and Pantry Guide for Kennebec County.
Maine Farm & Sea to School Network
MFSN Institute
Maine Farm & Sea to School Institute
Maine Farm to Institution
Farm to ECE
Farm to Early Care and Education for Maine
Maine Network of Community Food Councils
Park RX America
PRA - Nature Prescribed for providers and patients
Smarter Lunchroom
Smarter Lunchroom Scorecard
Healthy US
Healthy Us Scorecard: Easy-to-use, online tool designed to promote healthy living.
100 Mile Club
Every year, students are challenged to run or walk 100 miles.
Stress Management
Resources to manage stress on a daily basis
Nutrition On A Budget: Diabetes Care
Budget friendly solutions for diabetes care
Healthy Beverage Choices
Tips and tricks to make a healthy beverage choice
Walking Trails
Read HCCA’s walking trail guide to learn more about indoor and outdoor trails, StoryWalk trails, and other walking opportunities in Kennebec County.
This group is designed to bring lactation professionals, family support professionals, and public health teams together to share innovative ideas, provide updates on programs, and learn about lactation support systems that exist in Maine.
This group meets on a quarterly basis in:
For dates and times, please email s.young@hccame.org
Please email Sarah at s.young@hccame.org to add your email to the list serve!
““Mothers and babies form an inseparable biological and social unit; the health and nutrition of one group cannot be divorced from the health and nutrition of the other.” ”
The Impacts of Tobacco on Pregnancy
Presented by: Mallory Siddiqui, Tobacco Prevention Coordinator- HCCA
Presented on January 14th, 2025

Interested in learning more?
Sarah Young
Healthy Eating, Active Living Coordinator
Email: s.young@hccame.org
Success Stories
HCCA Success Stories provide insight on how our resources and programs help people in the community everyday.

Make a Donation.
HCCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is funded through charitable donations from people like you. Thank you for your generous support as we work to better local communities in Maine.