Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco use continues to be the number one cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. It’s HCCA’s mission to help people quit, or better yet, not try tobacco and vaping in the first place.
Develop and strengthen smoke- or tobacco-free policies
Link communities and organizations to resources for quitting tobacco
Provide training and resources on tobacco and vaping, including evidence-based best practices for preventing tobacco use and exposure.
HCCA works with community partners to:
Partnered with the Capital Area New Mainers Project (CANMP) to develop educational tobacco materials
These materials have been translated and are accessible in both English & Arabic. The CANMP community reported it is best to have English & Arabic writing side-by-side while learning English
These materials have been distributed all across Kennebec County
Tobacco Innovation Project
Tobacco Quick Facts (Arabic & English)
Quick facts about the harms of tobacco
Youth Vaping Facts - (Arabic & English)
Information about the risks of youth vaping & data
Secondhand Smoke (Arabic & English)
How secondhand smoke exposure can be harmful for children
Tobacco Treatment Booklet (Arabic & English)
Booklet with side-by-side translations containing information about reasons to quit, alternatives to using, resources, & more
The Maine Quit Link
Discover tools to help quit tobacco use your way (for 18 and older).
Vape Free Maine
Free and confidential support for teens.
Tips for Teens
The truth about E-ciggarettes.
My Life, My Quit
Free help, designed just for teens (for 13-17 year olds).
Know the Truth
E-cigarettes and young people.
Vaping: Know the Truth
Evidence-Informed Vaping Curriculum by Truth Initiative and EVERFI.
Catch my Breath
Evidence-based vaping prevention program.
You & Me, Together Vape Free
Part of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Success Stories
HCCA Success Stories provide insight on how our resources and programs help people in the community everyday.

Make a Donation.
HCCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is funded through charitable donations from people like you. Thank you for your generous support as we work to better local communities in Maine.