Youth Advisory Board
Kennebec County Youth Advisory Board
The Kennebec County Youth Advisory Board (KC YAB) is committed to promoting substance use prevention and creating a safe and healthy community for young people. This is primarily accomplished through advocacy, education, engagement, and collaboration with community leaders, organizations, and youth.
Congratulations to Ryleigh Jacob, a 7th grade student from China Middle School who won the Youth Mattering StoryWalk competition!
This competition aims to highlight the importance of mattering among youth and the community. We invited students in 6th-12th grade to participate by crafting compelling stories that explore the significance of mattering in today's world. The winners will be selected by members of the Kennebec County Youth Advisory Board.
This StoryWalk is currently featured at the Viles Arboretum in Augusta.
"Youth Mattering" Story Competition!
Who Should Join? Youth…
Between the ages of 12-18
From both rural and urban areas
Who have succeeded in school as well as those who have struggled
Who is part of a school system (public, charter, private, semi-private), as well as those who are homeschooled.
Representing different genders, religious or spiritual affiliations, sexual orientation, race/ethnicities, and socioeconomic status.
Who care about making a difference for young people in their community.
Why Join KC YAB?
Be awarded with community service hours
Opportunity to get involved in your community
Develop leadership skills
Connect with other youth across Kennebec County who are also passionate about creating positive change
Earn recognition for your part in creating a positive impact within Kennebec County
Opportunity to be involved in fun, exciting events!
Sign up today!
Join the Kennebec County Youth Advisory Board and help make a difference in your community.

Make a Donation.
HCCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is funded through charitable donations from people like you. Thank you for your generous support as we work to better local communities in Maine.